Contact Holistic Equitation
Jo Sheval~Iskra - Holistic Equitation
45 Connors Lane Seville. Off Beenak Road. (Left hand side of the dirt road) The driveway entrance has a Horse head on it.
Sessions start at $160/hr.
We are an NDIS friendly service.
Clothing and Attire: We recommend long pants, boots, long sleeve shirt and a hat. On warmer days it is also worth bringing your water bottle and sunscreen. In Winter, Gum boots, Jackets, neck warmer, rain coat etc. If it is too wet, sessions will be rescheduled.
Wheel Chair Access: Due to the experiences being held on the farm and the location of our horse facilities - wheel chair access is limited.
To find out more about Equine Therapy sessions and the benefits these workshops can have on your group or organisation, please call Jo on 0478 7111 80 or email:
For more details:
Jo Sheval Iskra - 0478 7111 80
45 Connors Lane, Seville VIC 3139, Australia
Contact us below for any questions you have: