Personality Profiling

Personality Profiling

Horse Personality and People Personaltiy

is made up from the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique.
Personality arises from within the individual and can remain fairly consistent throughout one’s life.

We can determine a being’s personality by the display of their collective combination of traits that are then grouped together to form a “Personality Type”. Swiss psychiatrist, influential thinker, and the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung was regarded as the first modern psychologist and established the foundation thinking for The Myer Briggs personality profiling system.

Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncrasy of a living being. It is an act of high courage flung in the face of life, the absolute affirmation of all that constitutes the individual, the most successful adaptation to the universal condition of existence coupled with the greatest possible freedom for self determination”.  Carl Gustav Jung, 1934.

It was through Carl Jung’s philosophy that we were able to create the “Horse and Owner Personality Decoder”. Years of working with people and horses gave us a great deal of insight into particular horse owners and their horses. We also observed strong mirroring dynamics taking place in these relationships.

When we become consciously aware of ourselves and our personalities  we can start to see the patterns in our behaviours. Our conscious attention on ourselves will effect our outcomes, it’s called the observer effect. Life mirrors our belief system and horses mirror us! Identifying the personality of you and your horse will give you a language, understanding and training principles that will help you create a positive mirror and make life easier and more enjoyable for you both.

The Mirroring can be displayed as a projection of one’s self or the projection of those feelings and emotions not owned or recognized in one’s self. The being with the strongest focus or problems will become the one to dominate the relationship – good or bad!

Understanding your own personality and how that is projected or transcended onto the horse opens up a whole new level of understanding for the person. When you know how your personality is affecting your horse or vice versa you are more empowered to make changes in the right direction.

It is of no co-incidence that the issues people are having with their horse will always be showing up in other areas of their life. As energy beings with strong belief systems, we attract and create repetitive situations in our life with the people and animals that we come into contact with. We then say “Why does this always happen to me?”

When we become consciously aware of ourselves and our interactions with the world we can start to see the patterns that we create and we will then realize that the outcomes we have in our life directly mirror our belief system.

Read more about each personality type to help you profile you and your horse’s personality.

Personality Profiling

Please contact:
Jo Sheval for more details
0478 7111 80
45 Connors Lane, Seville VIC 3139, Australia